What Is Rate Analysis?
Important Point
The basis of arriving at a correct and reasonable rate per unit. Work or Supply for a particular item following its specification and detailed survey of materials, labour, equipment, etc. as required for the unit work and their prevailing rates may be called an analysis of rate.
How to Use Rate Analysis for Dry Lean Concrete Calculator
Step – 1. Select Area in Qty of Concrete
First Enter your Rate analysis area in Cu.m. as per shown in the below picture.
Step – 2. Concrete Ratio (Grade of Concrete)
Enter your Concrete ratio as per shown in the below picture. (Cement and Sand ratio in Two cells Third cell count directly from sand time 2 is Aggregate ratio of concrete)
Step – 3. Fill Labour Charges
Enter your labour charges rate like Mason 1st, Mason 2nd, Bhisti, Coolie, and Mate as per shown in the below picture. ( Mason, Bhisti, and Coolie in different cells)
Step – 4. Fill Material Rate as Per Actual
Enter your material rate like cement, sand, and Aggregate as per shown in the below picture. ( Enter cement, sand, Aggregate 20mm, Aggregate 10mm, and Admixture all are in different cells)
Step – 5. Additional Cost in Rate Analysis
Check your further details like wastage percentage, other extra charges, water charges, and contractor profit percentage. If any are changed as per your requirement than a change in cells that are shown in below cells.
Step – 6. Final Report of Rate Analysis for Dry Lean Concrete
After completing the above steps you can check your Rate Analysis for Concrete Report in the second tab of Rate Analysis for Concrete.
Step – 7. Use Print Button for Print.
If you required to print your plastering work calculation you can use the print button option.
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Rate Analysis for Dry Lean Concrete Calculator
Material Calculation in Rate Analysis of Dry Lean Concrete
Like Cement, sand, aggregate, and reinforcement
Cement Calculation
Dry Cement volume = 1.33 convert Wet cement.(The concrete mortar dry volume of concrete decrease volume of dry cement mortar, so 1.33 time of dry mortar)
So, Cement calculation requirement of cement = 1 x 1.33 = 1.33 cu.m,
Herer calculation concrete ratio 1:1.5:3
The required amount of Cement quantity at concrete = 1.33 Cu.m. x (1/(1+1.5+3))
= 1.33 x 0.1819
= 0.242 cu.m. cement requirement
Cement in k.g. = volume x density cement
Cement in k.g. = 0.242 cu.m. x 1440 (1440 kg/m Density of cement for 50 k.g)
= 0.242 x 1440 = 425.646 kg of cement of bag requied ment of cement in k.g.
= 348.48 / 50 (one cemnent bag weight 50 k.g. only) = 6.96 bag
So, 10 cu.m. concrete requirement of cement = 6.96 bag x 10 cu.m. = 69.64 bag
Sand Calculation
- Required amount of Sand = 1.33 Cu.m. x (1.5/(1+1.5+3))
- =0.363 Cu.m. requierd of sand for 1 Cu.m.
- So,
- 10 cu.m. concrete requirement of sand = 0.363Cu.m x 10 cu.m. = 3.63 cu.m.
Also, rate: Instrumental Errors in Leveling | Type of Errors in Leveling
Aggregate Calculation
- The required amount of Aggregate
- = 1.33 Cu.m. x (3/(1+1.5+3))
- =0.725 Cu.m. required of sand for 1 Cu.m.
- So,
- So, 10 cu.m. concrete requirement of sand = 0.725 Cu.m x 10 cu.m. = 7.25 cu.m.
- Two types of aggregate like 20 mm & 10 mm size. this ratio 60 % of total aggregate 20mm size, 40 % of total aggregate 20mm size
- 20 mm aggregate = 7.25 cu.m. x 60% = 4.35 cu.m. 20 mm size aggregate
- 10 mm aggregate = 7.25 cu.m. x 40% = 2.9 cu.m. 20 mm size aggregate
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Labour for Rate Analysis of Dry Lean Concrete
As per calculation of rate analysis in labour consumption per Cu.m. requirement as per our experience or CPWD book, this book public by the Central Public Works Department, Government of India for easy calculation of the rate analysis, etc.
As CPWD Mate per cu.m. 1.2 of day bhisti, per cu.m 1.2 of day coolie, per cu.m. 0.3-day Mason -2nd,
Extra Work Calculation in Rate Analysis of concrete
Extra Changes in rate analysis as per below
Wastage Extra 2%
Hire and Running Charges of Mech Mixer 5%
Transportation Cost 1%
Other Charges 2 % Extra (Electrical, and site extra expense)
Add for Water Charge @ 1% on Items Marked
Add for Contractor’s Profit @15% on Items Marked
Video tutorial for better understanding:
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Originally posted 2020-09-08 23:55:25.
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